If you regularly experience high levels of stress or anxiety during dental treatment, sedation dentistry can greatly improve your dental experience. Sedation dentistry involves sedative medication that can keep you relaxed and comfortable during any dental service. There are multiple sedation options available, including:
- Nitrous oxide (N2O), also known as laughing gas, is a mild sedation option that consists of oxygen and sedative gas. You will inhale the gas throughout your treatment, which will help keep you calm and relaxed. Nitrous oxide has mild effects; it should wear off a few minutes after your treatment.
- Oral sedation is a medication you will take orally before your appointment. By the time you come into our office, you should feel relaxed and ready to start your treatment.
- IV sedation, or intravenous sedation, is a medication that is administered through the veins. IV sedation is a conscious sedation, meaning you will be awake and able to follow instructions from our dentists during the appointment. We will monitor you closely to keep you safe and comfortable during your treatment.
Sedation dentistry can make your treatment with our dentists a more pleasant and comfortable experience. To learn more about how sedation dentistry can help you, call or visit us today!